

Munich, Feb. 17, 1899.

Dear Sir, -

The example of Counterpoint from Musical News which you have sent me is not badly done; but the melody of the upper part is lacking in charm and moves too monotonously. Moreover, the harmony of the third and fourth bars -

(1 Notenzeile)

cannot exactly be called good, because in both chords the same leading note (F#) predominates, in consequence of which the progression of the harmony halts: a minor triad instead of a chord of the sixth would have been better. In enclose three small and hurried workings by myself - two diatonic and one with modulations. It would have been preferable if the bass had been –

(1 Notenzeile)

because then the final bass note would have come on an accented (heavy) bar, as should be the case in a good and effective cadence.

With friendly greeting to my esteemed English fellowmusicians. - Yours, &c.,
Jos. Rheinberger.

(s. Notenbeilage S. 99)
