Der englische Kirchenmusiker T. Westlake Morgan erkundigt sich bei Rheiberger, ob die Münchner Akademie Doktor- oder andere Grade verleihe und ob dafür Kleidungsvorschriften bestünden.

Dear Sir,

Will you be kind enough to favour me with a brief reply informing me whether the Munich Academy grants the Degree of Doctor or Bachelor of Music, and if so, under what conditions? Also whether any other Degrees are grantet by the Academy, and whether Hoods or any academic costumes are prescibed for graduated?

My reasons for troubling you are these: We are editing a new educational work and are anxious to ascertain particulars of all institutions granting Degrees. Moreover I see In Naimann's Dictionary of Music that several composers of eminence claim a Doctorate of Music from the Munich Academy.

I shall be so grateful for this favour more especially as I am myself a musician and therefore interested.

With many apologies for troubling you and awaiting the favour of your kind reply

I am, Sir,

With profound respect,

Faithfully yours.

T. Westlake Morgan
(of Oxford & Cambridge Universities).
