Maschinenschriftliches Schreiben von Robert Cecil, Vorsitzender der 2. Unterkommission der 5. Kommission der Völkerbundsversammlung, an Emil Beck, liechtensteinischer Geschäftsträger in Bern und Delegierter für die Verhandlungen mit dem Völkerbund[1]
22.11.1920, Genf
The 5th Committee of the Assembly appointed to study and report on the question of admission of States solliciting such admission to the League of Nations, has appointed a Sub-Committee to report to it on the facts relative to the request of Liechtenstein.
This Sub-Commission is constitutes as under:
Chairman: Lord Robert Cecil, Delegate of South Africa.
Mr. [Hjalmar] Branting, Delegate of Sweden,
Sir George Foster, Delegate of Canada
Mr. [Štefan] Osuský, Delegate of Czecho-Slovakia,
Mr. [Tommaso] Tittoni (Substitute: Mr. [Emilio] Pagliano), Delegate of Italy,
Mr. [René] Viviani, Delegate of France,
Mr. [Bohdan] Winiarski, Delegate of Poland.
I have the honour to request that you will be so good as to answer in writing the questions on the annexed sheet and send your reply [2] as soon as possible to Major G.H.F. [Gerald Heguerty Furtado] Abraham, Secretary of the 2nd Sub-Committee of the Fifth Committee, Room 108, Bureau du Secrétariat Général de la Société des Nations, 3 Quai du Leman, Genève.
I will notify you later the time and date on which the Sub-Committee will meet to study your application for admission and shall then ask you to be so good as to be in attendance to appear before it should it so desire.
I have the honour to be,
Your obedient Servant.
- Is your Government recognised de jure or de facto, and by which States?
- Does your country possess a stable Government and settled frontiers? What are its size and its population?
- Is your country fully self-governing?
- What has been the conduct of your country including both acts and assurances with regard to:
(1) Your international obligations,
(2) The prescriptions of the League as to armaments.