Edward Bellasis gibt die Zustimmung sein Werk "Cherubini Memorials illustrive of his life" von Josef Rheinberger übersetzen zu lassen

Edward Bellasis, London, 17. Januar 1879


H.N.College of Arms

London E.C.

Fri: 17. Jan. 1879

Dear Sir,

In reply to your letter of the 11 instant, I beg to state that it would give me great satisfaction to have the work translated into German, and no one before you has proposed this task. I do not know what arrangement with me you would deem equitable, perhaps you may have an idea which I shd. be glad to learn, and acquiesce in. But I think thus much that since I shd. like to make some alterations in the work besides some additions, I had better send you the work thus amended and augmented for you to translate it in the improved form (now that 5 years have elapsed since it's first publication) rather than as it originally appeared; and in your preface you might mention that this had been done.

I trust to hear further from you. In the meanwhile I will communicate with my publishers; and thanking you for your esteemed communication which is very gratifying to me,

I am, dear sir,

yours respectfully

Edward Bellasis


Herr Josef Peireinberger (sic)

etc. etc.
