
Der britische Aussenminister teilt im Unterhaus mit, dass Liechtenstein sich als neutral betrachte

Artikel in "The Times" [1]


The prince of Liechtenstein [Johann II.]

In answer to Sir J. [John] Jardine (Roxburghshire, Min.),

Sir E. [Edward] Grey (Northumberland, Berwick) said: – I am informed by the United States Ambassador [Walter Hines Page] that the Sovereign Principality of Liechtenstein considers itself neutral in the present hostilities. No prohibition of commercial or other dealings with the subjects of the Prince has been published.

Sir J. Jardine asked whether publicity could be given to the right hon. gentleman’s statement, as one of the enemy papers has said that this peaceful and friendly prince was at war.

The Speaker [James Lowther]: – We do not pay any attention to enemy papers here. (Laughter.)


[1] The Times, Nr. 47'000, 18.11.1914, S. 12. Ein Exemplar der Zeitung unter LI LA RE 1919/0589. Ebd. eine handschriftliche Abschrift des Artikels. Weitere, maschinenschriftliche Abschriften unter LI LA V 002/0168/03-04 und LI LA V 003/0040/2.