A.v. Hügel stellt Fanny Rheinberger Seymour Egerton vor, der später ein Schüler und wichtiger Propagandist für Rheinberger in England wurde

Brief von A.v. Hügel an Fanny Rheinberger:


London, 26.6.1876

Dear Mrs. Rheinberger,

You will be astonished to hear from me, still more to see where I am writing from, which I am now doing in dear Papa's name, who is as usual overworked. I have come over for a couple of months to try and help him. I ought to write to you in German, but you are such a good English scholar and I such a bad German one that you must excuse me. After this introduction "zur Sache": Mr. Seymour Egerton who wishes to place himself quite under the Professors tuition is the second son of the Earl of Wilton, one of the most distinguished English families. He is already a very accomplished musician, having had some lessons from the late Hauptmann at Leipzig. He plays the violin, double bass, french horn and cornet, composes and has for many years conducted the best amateur Society here, the "Wandring Ministrels". He has not been fortunate of late with his financial affairs and has just returned from Australia. You will see, by the onclosed, the suggestions dear Papa gave him concerning Professor Rheinberger, who is lending a helping hand to a stranger in Munich will confer a great favour on him.

He comes alone, his friend has telegraphed to say he could not accompany him. Der schönen "Kreuther" Tage gedenkend grüsst aufs herzlichste Sie, liebste Frau, und Herrn Professor, mein lieber Vater und Ihre innig ergebene

A.v. Hügel.
